Lauren Wheeler Artistry Coronavirus Policies + Procedures
Author: Lauren Wheeler
Last Review Date: 17th May 2021
Next Planned Review: Review in 12 months or sooner if Government guidelines change
Artist(s): Lauren Wheeler Artistry of OX25 5AX, phone number 07508918617, Lauren Wheeler Pro Team Artist’s, Assistant’s who have been booked by the Artist(s)
Booking: The date, venue and occasion for which the client are to receive Services.
Client(s): The members of the party who will be receiving the Services from the artist
Contact: Contact with a person includes any of the following
- Living in the same household regardless of whether you are social distancing or not.
- Face to face contact for any length of time regardless of whether PPE was worn or not.
- Being within 2m of another person outside your household for any length of time regardless of whether PPE was worn or not.
- Providing Services to that person regardless of whether PPE was worn or not.
Coronavirus: The 2020 pandemic of the virus (SARS coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)) which results in the disease COVID-19.
Guests: Members of the Bride’s group who are not members of the Party.
Party: The Clients who are to receive Services.
Services: Hair and/or makeup services as agreed with The Artist.
Location: The Artist(s) studio or The location of the wedding.
Symptoms: Symptoms of Coronavirus including but not limited to the following;
- a temperature
- a new or persistent or dry cough
- shortness of breath
- extreme exhaustion
- diarrhoea and vomiting
- muscle pain
- loss of sense of smell and/or taste
- remembering that sometimes there are no symptoms present in an infected person.
- To ensure that Lauren Wheeler Artistry artists remains up to date with protocols for reducing the risk of transmitting Coronavirus and is able to respond in the event of the Artist, Assistant, The Client, The Bride, Members of the Party and Guests.
- To meet the legal requirements of:
- The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 insofar as they apply
- The Guidance issued by HM Government from time to time relating to the Services carried out by The Artist.
The Policy is to be followed by
- The Artist(s)
- Assistants
- The Bride
- The Client
- Members of the Party
- The Guests
To ensure that safe, effective procedures are in place for the Artist, the Assistant, Clients, Members of the Party and Guests in order to limit the spread of Coronavirus.
The Artist recognises that the Coronavirus pandemic is a fast-moving situation. As professional Hair and/or Makeup Artists, ensuring robust infection control practices and business continuity plans form part of the appropriate management and running of Lauren Wheeler Artistry. The Artist will follow this policy and requires the Clients and Guests to do so too. In the event that Clients and Guests refuse to follow this policy, the Artist may refuse to carry out the Service.
Hair & Makeup Trials
- A Coronavirus questionnaire link shall be sent to the client(s) who are having trials in advance of their trial. It is required that this be completed and returned to the Artist 24 hours before the trial in order for the Artist to confirm that she is happy for the trial to take place. The Client is obligated to advise the Artist immediately if any of their responses change once the Coronavirus Questionnaire is completed and returned. In the event that it is not returned then the trial cannot take place and will be rescheduled.
- The Artist shall confirm to the Client(s) who are having trials that she and her household is fit and well and has not had Contact with anyone who has or may have Coronavirus in the past 14 days on receipt of the Client’s Coronavirus Questionnaire.
- The Artist regrets that it is not possible for the Client to invite any guests to their trial, regardless of whether they are also having a trial. All trials must take place on separate days. If the client does arrive with another person, we unfortunately will not be able to allow them into the premises.
- The Artist shall make hand sanitiser available for the Client during the trial. All clients will be asked to sanitise their hands upon entering for their trial.
- Please do not bring any unnecessary personal belongings with you.
- We will not be able to offer any form of refreshments, so please do bring your own drink/bottle of water if you need one.
- We cannot accept cash payments, please pay for your trial 24 hours before - the details will be sent to you.
- All clients must wear a mask at all times unless having makeup application services and the mask may only be removed immediately prior to this service commencing.
- Disposables will be used for every application where possible.
- If the client experiences ANY symptoms of Coronavirus or feels at all unwell, please do not attend your appointment at all, this will be rescheduled for you. Please let us know ASAP.
- Artist(s) responsibilities to minimise contact and exposure as much as possible and to protect the Client(s);
Wear the following personal protective equipment, which shall be removed and safely discarded in a tied rubbish bag between each client;
-type 2 mask
Regular rapid testing using the NHS rapid lateral flow tests once per week every Sunday evening.
Avoid touching their nose, mouth, eyes and face.
Spend only the time which is necessary complete the Services within two metres of the client and avoid touching the client save to do their hair and makeup.
Practice respiratory hygiene, including but not limited to;
- using a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and immediately disposing of the same.
- coughing or sneezing into their bent elbow
Practice hand hygiene, including but not limited to washing their hands;
- before leaving home
- on arrival at the venue for the Booking
- before and after using the toilet
- before commencing the services for a client
- after inadvertently touching her nose, mouth, eyes or face
- after removing PPE
Where it is not practicable or possible to wash their hands, the Artist shall instead use high alcohol hand sanitiser and fastidiously apply it to all areas of their hands.
Remain vigilant for Symptoms.
In the event that the Artist believes they may have Coronavirus, or is informed that someone with whom they have been in Contact in the past fourteen days has or may have Coronavirus, they shall
1. follow NHS and government advice, namely;
- stay at home for seven days from the first date of symptoms
- stay at home for fourteen days from the first date of symptoms of someone with whom the Artist lives.
2. Make contact with everyone with whom she has been in Contact in the past 14 days via phone/text message/email
Ensure that all surfaces and touch points in the Artists studio, workstation at the venue and hair and/or makeup kit, including but not limited to door handles, chairs, mirrors are cleaned with appropriate antibacterial cleaners prior to, between and after each client.
Ensure that their makeup kit is kept fastidiously clean as follows
- using a set of makeup brushes on one client only, then placing them into a sealed ziplock bag until they can be cleaned
- using disposable brushes where possible
- using disposable wipes and towels instead of reusable ones.
Ensure that their hair kit is kept fastidiously clean as follows
- using a set of hair brushes on one client only, then placing them into a sealed ziplock bag until they can be cleaned, or cleaning them immediately after use before the next client.
- using spray or pump products where possible to reduce the chance of the product becoming compromised through ‘double dipping’.
- using disposable towels instead of reusable ones.
- minimising the use of hairdryers wherever possible.
- cleaning heated styling tools between each client.
The Artist shall endeavour to create a safe working space for the Artist and the Client by opening as many doors and windows as possible to increase ventilation.
The Artist shall give the Client clear instructions as to where to stand, sit, and walk in order to maintain 2 metres distancing where possible. The Artist requires that no one from the Party or other Guests come within 2 metres of the Artist at any stage, unless it is so that the Artist can perform the Services.
The Artist shall not eat or drink during the provision of the Services as this would necessitate them removing their PPE.
- Cli ents responsibilities to minimise contact and exposure as much as possible and to protect the Artist(s);
Comply with all instructions given to them by the Artist in relation to where to walk, stand and sit in order to receive the Services
Wear the following personal protective equipment, which will be required at all times, unless having makeup application services, in which case it must only be removed directly before this commences;
- face mask
Agreeing to the doors and windows remaining open for ventilation and for the Services to take place outside where possible.
Please do not touch any part of our kits, tools or workspaces.
Please only come to our stations when we call each client over and not at any other point prior to this. It must only be us and our client in the room.
Clients must avo id touching their nose, mouth, eyes and face.
Clients must avoid use of their mobile phone and any other personal items whilst receiving the Services.
Clients must spend only the time which is necessary for the Services within two metres of the Artist and avoid touching the Artist where possible.
Clients must practice respiratory hygiene, including but not limited to;
- using a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and immediately disposing of the same.
- coughing or sneezing into their bent elbow
Clients must practice hand hygiene, including but not limited to washing their hands;
- before leaving home
- on arrival at the venue
- before and after using the toilet
- before receiving the Services
- after inadvertently touching her nose, mouth, eyes or face
- after receiving the Services
Where it is not practicable or possible to wash their hands, the Client shall instead use high alcohol hand sanitiser and fastidiously apply it to all areas of their hands.
Remain vigilant for Symptoms.
In the event that the Client believes they may have Coronavirus, or is informed that someone with whom they have been in Contact in the past fourteen days has or may have Coronavirus, they shall inform the Artist immediately so that the Artist may notify anyone with whom she has been in contact.
Wedding Day Services
- A Coronavirus questionnaire link shall be sent to the client(s) who are having trials in advance of the wedding morning. The questionnaire MUST be filled out separately by each member of the bridal party receiving services. It is required that this be completed and returned to the Artist 24 hours before the wedding day for the Artist to confirm that is it is safe for services to take place. The Client is obligated to advise the Artist immediately if any of their responses change once the Coronavirus Questionnaire is completed and returned. In the event that it is not returned then services for the clients who have not returned the questionnaire will not be able to take place.
- The Artist shall confirm to the Bride and any other clients who are having Services that they and their household is fit and well and have not had Contact with anyone who has or may have Coronavirus in the past 14 days on receipt of the Client’s Coronavirus Questionnaire.
- The Artist requires the following in order to maintain a safe working space for themselves and the Clients;
A separate room with good ventilation and natural light to work in that remains free from all other clients and guests, save the Client on whom the Artist is working.
In the event that this is absolutely not possible, then this should be discussed with the Artist who will strictly enforce the 2 metre distancing rules with Clients on whom she is not working. In these circumstances, no guests or people other than clients having services will be allowed into the room in which the Artist is working.
- Schedules will need to be adapted and made longer to allow 15-20 minutes in between each client to fully sanitise all products, work spaces and kit.
- Clients must ensure they are on time as schedules will be very strict. Clients must be ready to get started with dry hair, clean skin and with their own skincare already applied.
- All clients must wear a mask at all times unless having makeup application services and the mask may only be removed immediately prior to this service commencing.
- Artist(s) will not be able to add on any additional services at all on the wedding morning as our timings will be very specific, so please ensure all numbers are correct before the day.
- Artist(s) responsibilities to minimise contact and exposure as much as possible and to protect the Client(s);
Wear the following personal protective equipment, which shall be removed and safely discarded in a tied rubbish bag between each client;
-type 2 mask
Regular rapid testing using the NHS rapid lateral flow tests once per week every Sunday evening.
Avoid touching their nose, mouth, eyes and face.
Spend only the time which is necessary complete the Services within two metres of the client and avoid touching the client save to do their hair and makeup.
Practice respiratory hygiene, including but not limited to;
- using a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and immediately disposing of the same.
- coughing or sneezing into their bent elbow
Practice hand hygiene, including but not limited to washing their hands;
- before leaving home
- on arrival at the venue for the Booking
- before and after using the toilet
- before commencing the services for a client
- after inadvertently touching her nose, mouth, eyes or face
- after removing PPE
Where it is not practicable or possible to wash their hands, the Artist shall instead use high alcohol hand sanitiser and fastidiously apply it to all areas of their hands.
Remain vigilant for Symptoms.
In the event that the Artist believes they may have Coronavirus, or is informed that someone with whom they have been in Contact in the past fourteen days has or may have Coronavirus, they shall
1. follow NHS and government advice, namely;
- stay at home for seven days from the first date of symptoms
- stay at home for fourteen days from the first date of symptoms of someone with whom the Artist lives.
2. Make contact with everyone with whom she has been in Contact in the past 14 days via phone/text message/email
Ensure that all surfaces and touch points in the Artists studio, workstation at the venue and hair and/or makeup kit, including but not limited to door handles, chairs, mirrors are cleaned with appropriate antibacterial cleaners prior to, between and after each client.
Ensure that their makeup kit is kept fastidiously clean as follows
- using a set of makeup brushes on one client only, then placing them into a sealed ziplock bag until they can be cleaned
- using disposable brushes where possible
- using disposable wipes and towels instead of reusable ones.
Ensure that their hair kit is kept fastidiously clean as follows
- using a set of hair brushes on one client only, then placing them into a sealed ziplock bag until they can be cleaned, or cleaning them immediately after use before the next client.
- using spray or pump products where possible to reduce the chance of the product becoming compromised through ‘double dipping’.
- using disposable towels instead of reusable ones.
- minimising the use of hairdryers wherever possible.
- cleaning heated styling tools between each client.
The Artist shall endeavour to create a safe working space for the Artist and the Client by opening as many doors and windows as possible to increase ventilation.
The Artist shall give the Client clear instructions as to where to stand, sit, and walk in order to maintain 2 metres distancing where possible. The Artist requires that no one from the Party or other Guests come within 2 metres of the Artist at any stage, unless it is so that the Artist can perform the Services.
The Artist shall not eat or drink during the provision of the Services as this would necessitate them removing their PPE.
- Clients responsibilities to minimise contact and exposure as much as possible and to protect the Artist(s);
Comply with all instructions given to them by the Artist in relation to where to walk, stand and sit in order to receive the Services.
Wear the following personal protective equipment, which will be required at all times, unless having makeup application services, in which case it must only be removed directly before this commences;
- face mask
Agreeing to the doors and windows remaining open for ventilation and for the Services to take place outside where possible.
Please do not touch any part of our kits, tools or workspaces.
Please only come to our stations when we call each client over and not at any other point prior to this. It must only be us and our client in the room.
Clients must avoid touching their nose, mouth, eyes and face.
Clients must avoid use of their mobile phone and any other personal items whilst receiving the Services.
Clients must spend only the time which is necessary for the Services within two metres of the Artist and avoid touching the Artist where possible.
Clients must practice respiratory hygiene, including but not limited to;
- using a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and immediately disposing of the same.
- coughing or sneezing into their bent elbow
Clients must practice hand hygiene, including but not limited to washing their hands;
- before leaving home
- on arrival at the venue
- before and after using the toilet
- before receiving the Services
- after inadvertently touching her nose, mouth, eyes or face
- after receiving the Services
Where it is not practicable or possible to wash their hands, the Client shall instead use high alcohol hand sanitiser and fastidiously apply it to all areas of their hands.
Remain vigilant for Symptoms.
In the event that the Client believes they may have Coronavirus, or is informed that someone with whom they have been in Contact in the past fourteen days has or may have Coronavirus, they shall inform the Artist immediately so that the Artist may notify anyone with whom she has been in contact.
- If any client(s) experience ANY symptoms of coronavirus or feel at all unwell, we will be unable to complete any services on you and ask that you are not present in the room we are working.
- If a client is showing ANY symptoms of coronavirus on the wedding morning we will not be able to do their hair/make up. A refund will NOT be given, but the cost of that clients services can be put on a voucher to be used within 1 year of the wedding date.
- Artist(s) will not be able to offer any form of touch ups after your hair and makeup service has been completed, so please have your own touch up products available. (suggested products: lipstick, lipliner, blusher, powder, hairspray, grips)
- Artist(s) will unfortunately not be able to put in any veils or other accessories after we have completed hair and makeup services, so please ensure any hair accessories are given to us during your hairstyling service to put in then and ensure they are fully sanitised. Veils will need to be put in by another member of the bridal party instead.
- To minimise all contact and prolonged exposure Artist(s) will not be able to stay any longer than necessary to complete the booked hair and makeup services. Artist(s) will have to pack up and leave straight after our last client has been finished to minimise exposure and contact and so will not be able to stay around any longer than that.
Circumstances in which services cannot be provided
- The Artist regrets that it may not be possible to provide services to the Party where;
a member of the Party has had Contact with someone who has or may have Coronavirus in the 14 days before the service is due to take place. Contact is defined on page 1.
a member of the Party has had Contact with someone who has had Contact with a person who has or may have Coronavirus.
a Client is or has been advised to be shielding.
a Client has been untruthful on or not returned their Coronavirus Questionnaire.
a Client has ANY Coronavirus symptoms on the day of the Booking.
- Where it comes to the attention of the Artist in advance of the day of the booking, that any of the clients have either A- not completed their Coronavirus Questionnaire or B- have ANY symptoms of coronavirus; the Artist will contact the Bride in order to discuss the matter and try to find a workable solution to keep everyone safe. If one cannot be found the Artist may not be able to continue with all the Services for the Booking and will not be able to issue a refund for the same.
- Where it comes to the attention of the Artist on the day of the booking, that any of the clients have either A- not completed their Coronavirus Questionnaire or B- have ANY symptoms of coronavirus; the Artist shall not be able to continue with the booking and no refund shall be made. The Artist will not attend or shall immediately leave the Venue where to continue would otherwise place them at continued risk. The Artist trusts that Clients understand the need for honesty in these circumstances and that the Artist must prioritise her health and the need to protect other Clients as well.
Coronavirus Infections or Exposure
- There is a continuing duty of care placed on the Artist AND the Client to immediately notify each other if they believe that they may have or have been in Contact with some who has Coronavirus.
- In the event that the Client becomes aware that they were exposed to Coronavirus before the Trial or the Booking took place (through any form of Contact or otherwise) they must inform the Artist immediately, regardless of whether they have later developed symptoms.
- Where a notification in Clause 10.2 has been received, or the Artist otherwise has reason to believe that she or a previous Client has or may have Coronavirus, or that she or a previous Client may have been exposed to Coronavirus through any form of Contact or otherwise, the following shall apply;
The Client shall immediately notify all Clients with whom she has had contact in the past 14 days.
Confidentiality as per GDPR shall remain in place to ensure that the details of anyone with suspected Coronavirus remains confidential.
All details will be deleted within 21 days of the wedding day or trial booking services taking place in line with GDPR.